PCCOE Manthan!

Over last eighteen months the World has experienced an unprecedented shock of COVID-19 pandemic. COVID impacted all realms of life, be it Governance, Society, Trade, Industry, Education, Health, Tourism, Culture, Entertainment etc. All Industrial Sectors received a near fatal blow to their growth. Many small scale units are struggling hard for survival. Long term regulations and lockdowns nearly halted the Industrial activity and disrupted the economy. The pandemic has adversely affected social, financial as well as psychological set up of communities.

Professional and Technical education is one of the worst affected sectors. There is an unprecedented loss in the quality of engineering education due to inevitable new norms to be followed during knowledge delivery. Industry is one of the major stake holders in the technical education. I sincerely believe that loss of Industry is similar in nature and scale as ours. Industrialists, entrepreneurs are finding their own ways for survival in the form of organizational restructuring, diversification, reducing the manufacturing capacities, limiting new investments etc. Relief is slowly coming and recovering their losses. We at PCCOE sincerely feel the importance of jointly facing this prodigious challenge and emerge as a winner.

We at PCCOE wish to reach to an assortment of 200 industries and earnestly understand the technological challenges faced by them; Faculty members and students of PCCOE will interact with them and understand:

  • How Industries survived in the debacle
  • What technical solutions are tried in certain situations
  • What are the technological lessons learnt
  • About stumbling blocks in their recovery process
  • What are their expectations from the customers, society, policy makers
  • What are their expectations from an Engineering Institute like PCCOE who cater to their major human resource requirement
  • Possibilities of collaborative effort.

Faculty members and students of PCCOE desire to understand the new technological challenges before industries and contemplated solutions from those who dealt with it. The interactions will be with senior person from the industry. He/she can authentically comment on the current situation. If possibility of collaboration appears during interaction, he may decide to collaborate with PCCOE in certain assignments. This will be a great opportunity for students and faculty members of PCCOE to search their future projects, career path. With such a potent input from the expert, future engineers, entrepreneurs and researchers of PCCOE will sure to sail carefully in their ventures and succeed. Thus, Manthan process is going be a service to society and nation in a quantum manner.

On this back ground it is proposed to organize ‘PCCOE Manthan’. PCCOE Manthan is nothing but discussion sessions with Industries to understand on the above points, receive ideas and explore possibility of mutually beneficial long term association.

It is a series of colloquiums on the topic of “Technological Challenges and Opportunities before Industries in COVID and Post COVID period”. The purpose of Manthan is to technically collaborate with 200 Industries and create a vibrant culture of Industry Institute Interaction. It is proposed to invite 200 industries for interaction initially on PCCOE platform. The interaction may be in offline as well as online mode.


  1. SIG coordination Team of PCCOE and each SIG is entrusted with the responsibility of organizing “PCCOE Manthan”
  2. With the help of SIG coordination Team, all SIGs will identify Industries preferably relevant but not restricted to the subject of their SIGs
  3. Number of Industries identified will be equal to the number of members of that SIG
  4. Schedule of interactive sessions: Monday to Friday, one hour, from 6.30 to 7.30 pm
  5. Contributors of each session: Two Industry personnel and one moderator, Moderator would be SIG member.
  6. Moderator will do homework prior to the sessions and interact with invitees
  7. It is mandatory for all faculty members and students to register for the sessions. Sessions will be compulsory for Third and Final Year students of relevant branch in line with the type of the Industries invited.
  8. Common agenda for all sessions:
    • Opening comments by Moderator (5 minutes)
    • Introduction of “Industry Personnel 1and 2” by moderator and deliver opening statement (10 Minutes)
    • Position statement by Industry “Personnel 1” (10 Minutes)
    • Position Statement by Industry “Personnel 2” (10 Minutes)
    • Discussion and conclusion (15 Minutes)
  9. SIG coordination team is responsible for monitoring the progress, record keeping, collection, storage and processing the data generated and will receive feedbacks during Manthan.

PCCOE Manthan may play a significant role in enhancing Industry Institute Interaction.